In order to test the streaming capability, I've used a small portion (about 600 seconds) of the movie Home realised by Yann Arthus Bertrand in 2009, copyright Europa Corp, publicly viewable on many web sites. I've added a specific page with all the disclaimer and additional informations.
After the h264 compression, the video here embedded has two further level of information reduction, from the original interlaced the encoder
decided whether it is better to use frame based of field based encoding (MBAFF encoding). The original video contains many highly changing scenes (expecially the zoomed and aerial views).
The second compression is the anamorhic compression: the video size is 720x576 (the standard PAL size) with an aspect ration of 16:9, about 1.77, to be compared with 1.33 of the standard 4:3 video.